Keeping Connected
Non-Scientific articles, comics, posters, talks and much more are a great way to communicate science. The links will guide you to the arcticles.
International Documentary: Five episode documentary about the origin of life on our planet called 'Fateful Planet' on Curiosity (restricted) or 'Katastrophen der Erdgeschichte' on ZDF (free)
Quanta Magazine: International report about our research on the Grit Crust in the Atacama Desert: In a Fierce Desert, Microbe ‘Crusts’ Show How Life Tamed the Land
German TV Documentary: SWR was with us for one year showing various aspects of our research on algae and biotechnology
German Newspaper: SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
German Science Article: SCINEXX reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
Spanish Newspaper: EL PAIS reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
German Science Article: PROZESSTECHNIK reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
Radio: DEUTSCHLANDFUNK reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
German Science Article: SPRINGER PROFESSIONAL reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
German Science Article: GEO reports about our work on biosorption of Rare Earth Elements on cyanobacterial EPS
Report: School class visiting our lab
Talk: Crustweathering: how microbes bite the dust. Invited speaker at EarthShape final closing meeting 2022, Obergurgl, Austria
Talk: Opening the gap: Unexpected cyanobiont diversity in cyanolichens. 22nd Symposium of the IAC 2022 in Budweis, Czech Republic
Poster: Dark Matter: Cyanobacteria of the Cave Environment and their Special Traits. 22nd Symposium of the IAC 2022 in Budweis, Czech Republic
Spanish Report: article about our work on cyanobacteria from cave environments in Cantabria, Spain
Magazine 370°: short narrative about my expedition to the Atacama Desert in Feb 2022
Article: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie eV. Algen und Pilze in der Atacama Wüste
New Project: Waste2Value - Mikroorganismen verändern die Westpfalz
New Project: Joint Genome Institute about or collaboration with University of Düsseldorf, Germany.
Press: University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern about our bioweathering-scenario from the Atcama Desert
Press: Scinexx featured my research article Verborgenes Leben im Wüstenkies
Press: Science Newsfeed featured my research article: A newly found Atacama Desert soil community survives on sips of fog
Press: University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern about my start at the institution
Press: TU Kaiserslautern (German/English) about the grit crust in the Atacama Desert Mikrooorganismen bedecken ganze Landschaften
Video: Chilean TV news featured my research in the Atacama Desert: Descubren microorganismos en Pan de Azúcar que podrían sobrevivir en otros planetas
Press: Chilean article about our research in the Atacama Desert: Organismos descubiertos en el desierto de Atacama podrían servir para colonizar otros planetas
Press: Chilean newspaper for the Atacama region: Section I, Section II
Press: local Newspaper (Nahezeitung Birkenfeld), Article about my discovery of new lichens in the Atacama Desert, (contact me for full access)
Press: Unispectrum, online magazine of TU Kaiserslautern, Article about my trips to the Atacama Desert
Press: News Feed TU Kaiserslautern, Article about a research paper on lichens from the Atacama Desert
Press: Der Standard, Newspaper; Article about a research paper on lichens from the Atacama Desert
Comic: Uncovering the Earth’s skin. Journal of Sketching Science. 2018
Talk: Catching Fog: how undiscovered cryptic life thrives on fog in the Atacama Desert. Young Research Symposium (2018), Fraunhofer Institute Kaiserslautern
Poster: Lichen Diversity of the National Park Pan de Azucar, Chile (2019)
Poster: Ecophysiology & Structure: Epiphytic versus Crustose Lichens of