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International Network for CyanoBionts
We are INCb
The research initiative INCb (International Network for CyanoBionts) was started by Dr. Patrick Jung and will be supported by Dr. Laura Briegel-Williams based on an internal ‘kickstarter’ grant from the University of Applied Sciences, Kaiserslautern Germany. The project aims to understand the diversity of mainly unicellular cyanobacteria which live in symbiosis with lichens – an aspect of research on cyanobacteria in general that has been neglected and underestimated for decades.
INCb represents an open consortium of international researchers that bridge between lichenology (science on lichens) and phycology (science on algae). The idea is to connect experts of their field in order to understand the nature of unicellular cyanobionts based on various sets of methods including the isolation of cyanobionts, phylogenetic analysis of those and their lichen hosts.
The joint work of INCb, led by the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, spans across borders, research fields and ecosystems. It will set a baseline that opens new opportunities for future funding and collaboration in order to grow and establish in the long term.
INCb will organize meetings on a regular base, communicate new developments transparently via this page, is open for contributors and jointly will work out a strategy for ongoing research projects.
We will share lichen specimens, cyanobacterial isolates, data and resources.
Contributors will be listed here with their names and institutions.
A regular newsletter will update all members.
Patrick Jung, University of Applied Life Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany
Laura Briegel-Williams, University of Applied Life Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany
Michael Lakatos, University of Applied Life Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany
Manuel Luis Gil González, Lichenologist, Canary Islands
Petr Dvorak, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Martin Grube, University of Graz, Austria
Nicole Pietrasiak, University of Las Vegas, USA
Dennis Nürnberg, Free University Berlin, Germany
Jan Kaštovský, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Maike Lorenz, SAG Göttingen, Germany
Ulf Schiefelbein, Lichenologist, Germany
Jan Mareš, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Võ Thị Phi Giao, Vietnam National University -Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Paul Whelan, Lichenologist, Ireland
Martin Westberg, Curator at Uppsala University, Sweden
Alica Košuthová, Swedish Museum of Natural History Sweden
Matthias Schultz, Curator at Herbarium Hamburgense, Hamburg, Germany
Spyros Gkelis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Thorsten Bauersachs, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Antje Donner, Chroococcidiopsisrolopsis
Burkhard Büdel, RPTU, Germany
Nathan Chrismas, The Marine Biological Association, UK
Ólafur Andrésson, University of Iceland, Iceland
Paul D'Agostino, University of Dresden, Germany
Manuela Dal Forno, Fort Worth Botanic Garden, USA
Timo Niedermeyer, Free University Berlin, Germany
Leonardo DallAgnol, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Brazil
News & Announcements
07.03.2023: The first digital meeting of the consortium will be on 09.03.2023 at 5 pm CET. If you are not part of the consortium yet, send us an email via the contact form above for the meeting- link. In case you cannot participate in the meeting you don't need to worry, we will inform you about the outcome afterwards.
17.03.2023: INCb was presented infront of the German Phycology Society during the section meeting from 12.03-15.03.2023 in Jena, Germany.
03.08.2023: The consortium is finalizing its first kick-off article
03.05.2024: The kick-off article with all consortium members was accepted by ISME
03.07.2024: The first joint article of the consortium has been published by ISME Communications